Today we were out at a new park (at least, new to us), enjoying the warm sunshine and the open spaces. There's something exciting to our boys that comes with yet-unadventured playground equipment.
The boys also brought their scooters and bikes to the area, and enjoyed the interplay between alternately riding and climbing. They seemed to do this together as a herd: first climbing on the playset, then all rushing to get their scooters and bikes to ride around, then all rushing back to the playset again.
Our youngest has taken to "riding" his tricycle recently. I use the term "riding" loosely. Here's a video of him on the trike:
We affectionately call this "seated walking." We've tried to convince him again and again that he'll have more fun and be able to go faster if he puts his feet on the pedals and uses the trike as it's intended, but he's more comfortable right now simply walking with it underneath him.
This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, 50 days after Passover/Easter, and a celebration of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the church in Acts 2. As we reflected on the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives today, I couldn't help but wonder how much I "seat walk" in my own Christian life.
Sure, I'm a believer, and I would say that I follow Christ on a daily basis. But do I really depend on the Holy Spirit for moment-by-moment guidance, direction, correction, and encouragement? Do I take time to listen to his still, small voice through the Word, prayer, and the counsel of others? Do I yearn for it more than food and breath? Or do I just wander through my day, giving lip-service to following the Lord (just as my two-year-old would say he is on his bike), but lacking the power Jesus describes in Acts 1:8 that comes from the Holy Spirit working through me?
Jesus said, "I am the vine and you are the branches. If anyone remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5) Only God can do a supernatural work in and through our lives. Lord, help me to remain, even just for today.
No more "seat walking." I'm putting my feet on the pedals.
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