Sunday, November 2, 2014

They Need God's Word AND Training

What does it take to reach the next generation for Christ? In the case of the Deaf in Kenya, it takes both access to God's Word in Kenyan Sign Language AND leaders who are trained in how to use it to train others.

In Kenya, DOOR has been training local Deaf leaders once every six months in how to use God's Word in Kenyan Sign Language to train and equip others. See how this training has equipped one local Deaf man to impact a generation in his area Kenyan Deaf school:

"Two years ago one of the hearing teachers at the Deaf school approached me. He wanted me to share God's Word with the Deaf children every week. As a local leader in a Deaf fellowship that meets in our church community, I accepted.

"As I began teaching, I immediately became aware of the challenge of teaching the Bible consistently to the children. I realized many of the children were struggling to recall and understand what I was teaching; this was mainly because I went back and forth teaching from different verses week after week.

"As the children struggled with my teaching style, I became increasingly frustrated with my lack of training in how to teach them. The opportunity was there for me to impact the children, but my lack of Deaf teaching resources, lack of equipping, coupled with my teaching style, was ruining the opportunity.

"Toward the end of last year, I met a Deaf man [trained by DOOR International's staff] who gave me Bible portions in Kenya Sign Language. Wow! That was the beginning of changes. I now had Deaf Bible resources in my hands to teach the children consistently.

"However, I still wasn't equipped to make the most of the Bible resources. In April 2014, [DOOR invited] Deaf leaders to train in my area, and I was so happy to learn how to use the Bible DVDs. When I went back to teach the Deaf children after the April training, I observed...

  • increased interest among the Deaf children
  • increased understanding... they were learning God's Word in a way that makes clear sense to them
  • more questions from the children during teaching times
  • increased ability to memorize Bible passages
I am so thankful for the Bible in Kenyan Sign Language AND the equipping I am receiving from the training."

What an impact! The combination of God's Word and training has allowed this Deaf man to have a consistent and lasting impact on the lives of many Deaf children hungry to know God and His Word.

These trainings continue to take place in Kenya every six months. Will you consider giving to support this work? Your donation not only impacts the lives of those trained, but equips them to raise up and equip many more leaders for the gospel.